<9월 8일 - We found two beautiful condominium units.>
* 핵심단어
- relatively : 비교적 [ˈrelətɪvli]
- separate : 독립된 [ˈseprət] / 동사 [ˈsepəreɪt]
- garage : 차고 [ɡə|rɑːʒ]
* 핵심표현
- What's beautiful about (명사) is : ~의 장점은 = The beauty of (명사) is
What's beautiful about this car is that it has good gas mileage.
- in luck : 운이 좋은 / be동사 + in luck 형태가 많음
I guess I am in luck today
- each (단수 명사) → 단수 취급
The building is relatively new and each unit comes with separate storage and a garage.
- show (목적어) around (장소)
Let's me show them around Seoul.
<9월 9일 - It’s made from 100% organic ingredients.>
* 핵심단어
- halt : (갑자기) 멈추다, 중단시키다
- ingredient : 성분, 재료
- rejuvenate : 다시 젊어 보이게 하다
- regenerate : 재생시키다
- hair follicle : 모낭
- nutrient : 영양소, 영양분
Our formula rejuvenates and regenerates hair follicle while making your hair look fuller and thicker.
* 핵심표현
- made from (명사) : (명사)로 만들어진 재료의 모양이나 성질이 변한 경우
cf) made of (명사) : 재료의 모양이나 성질이 변하지 않은 경우
Wine is made from grapes.
This chair is made of wood.
- at no extra cost : 무상으로
They allowed me to use their service at no extra cost.
- throw in (명사) : ~을 덤으로 주다
For limied time only, we are throwing in a special nutrient conditioner at no extra cost.
- Remember; +(평서문) : 기억하세요. ~입니다.
Remember; your health always comes first.
- when it comes to (명사/~ing) : ~에 관해서라면
When it comes to Korean food, Mayu knows best.
<9월 10일 - I am extremely pleased.>
* 핵심단어
- get paid : 돈을 받다
- fall out : 빠지다
- in clumps : 덩어리로
My hair has been falling out in clumps for months.
- just about : 거의 (다) + everything / anything
- a good : 꽉 찬, 족히 + 기간
* 핵심표현
- stop (목적어) from (~ing) : ~을 ~하는 것으로부터 막다
Though it hasn’t fully stopped my hair from falling out, it sure is making a difference.
- be pleased with (명사) : ~에 대해 만족하다
They seemed pleased with what they were seeing.
- on the market : 시장에 나와 있는
on there : 조금 더 캐주얼한 표현
I have tried just about every hair loss treatment shampoo on the market, but nothing worked.
- make a difference : 차이를 만들다
It’s not going to make any difference.
- decrease in (명사) : ~의 감소
It took a good two months before noticing a dramatic decrease in hair loss.