1월 11일 - Phishing Schemes
1. run rampant : 기승을 부리다, 만연하다
We need to stop phishing schemes from running rampant.
2. tap on : (터치 화면을) 누르다 = click on
You shouldn't tap on an Internet link in a text message.
3. let one's guard down : 경계를 늦추다
If you let your guard down, you can easily become a victim.
- con : 사기, 속임수
- malware : 악성 코드
- take advatage of : ~을 속이다
Voice phishing uses phone calls to take advantage of the victim.
- pose as : ~인 척하다
- be duped : 속아 넘어가다
- get out of hand : 걷잡을 수 없게 되다, 심각해지다
- amount to : ~에 달하다(동사)
The damages over the last ten years amount to over 2 trillion won.
★ They are a type of confidence scheme that uses illegally obtained personal information to steal money.
- confidence scheme : 사기 행각
- illegally obtained : 불법으로 취득된
1월 12일 - Reading English Books in their Original Language
1. trial and error : 시행착오
I went through a lot of trial and error trying to study English.
2. a shot in the arm : 활력소, 새로운 원동력
My motivation at work was low, so I needed a shot in the arm.
3. spur someone on : 격려하다, 동기부여를 하다
She is my rival, but we spur each other on.
- take turn : 돌아가며 차례대로 하다
The members take turns to choose an English book each month.
- in whatever way we choose : 우리가 원하는 어떤 방법으로든
- compile a list : 목록을 작성하다
- book report : 독후감 / book review : (전문가가 작성한) 서평
- break free from : ~으로부터 자유로워지다
I was able to break free from the pressure of English studies.
- without fail : 빠짐없이, 꼼꼼하게
- get involved with : (모임에) 가입하다, 활동하다
★ I feel like studying English is becoming more of a habit than a study rotine.
- become more of a habit : 습관에 가까워지다
1월 13일 - Civil Service Exams
1. job security : 고용 안정
I chose this company because of the high job security.
2. stiff competiotion : 치열한 경쟁, 높은 경쟁률
She won first place by beating stiff competition.
3. pass an exam / pass the exam : 시험에 합격하다
In some cases, applicants have to pass an exam in Korean history.
- enjoy a very stable career : 안정적인 직장 생활을 누리다
- adminisdtrative position : 행정직
- cram school : 입시 학원
- gear up for : 준비를 하다
- have been at it : 지속해 왔다
★ Civil servants are guarateed their jobs until retirement, and they are paid according to their pay grade.
- civil servant : 공무원
- pay grade : 호봉
11월 14일 - Online Concerts
1. drag on : 계속되다
Social distancing measures dragged on all year.
2. be deeply moved : 깊은 감동을 받다
I was deeply moved when I heared waht she said.
3. amp up : 증폭시키다, 개선하다
We need to amp up production this quarter.
- bring about change : 변화를 일으키다
- large-scale gathering : 대규모 모임
- be off limits : 금지되다, 접근이 제한되다
- pay for the tickets : 표를 구매하다
- a blast : 매우 재미있는 것
★ People who were exhausted by the outbreak were in dire need of performances to comfort them.
- be in dire need of : ~을 절실히 필요로 하다
1월 15일 - Military Reserve Force
1. technically speaking : 엄밀히 따지면
Technically speaking, Korea is still at war
2. in case of (an) emergency : 유사시에
In case of emergency, call this number.
3. get rusty : 녹슬다, 실력이 떨어지다
They can prevent their military skills from getting rusty.
- in an armistice : 휴전 중인
- mandatory military service : 의무 군 복무
- be discharged from the military : 군에서 전역하다
- reserve forces unit : 예비군 부대
- be mobilized : 동원되다
- brush up : 갈고 닦다
- battle-readiness : 전투 준비 태세
They brush up their battle-readiness and prevent their military skills from getting rusty.
- pain in the neck : 매우 귀찮은 것
- go in for : ~을 받으러 가다
- be exempt : 면제되다
★ The reserve forces are an integral part in maintaining Koera's military strength.
- an integral part : 반드시 필요한 부분