1월 27일 - Escape Room Cafes
1. be not entirely sure : 정확히는 모르다
I am not entirely sure when they started to catch on.
2. get one's hands on : ~을 확보하다, 손에 넣다
People waited all night to get their hands on the phone.
3. be right up one's alley : ~의 취향에 딱 맞다
This restaurant should be right up your alley.
- catch on : 유행하다
- look for clues : 단서를 찾다
- have a passion for : ~을 매우 좋아하다
- go give it a try : 가서 시도해 보다
★ It's on the pricey side, but I think it is worth the cost.
- on the pricey side : 비싼 편인
- be worth the cost : 값어치를 하다
1월 28일 - Social Workers
1. local community : 지역 사회 공동체
I would like to give back to my local community.
2. wholesome fun : 건전한 놀이
I think mobile games can be wholesome fun as well.
3. emotional support : 정서적 지원, 심리적 지지
People who live alone sometimes have pets for emotianal support.
- government aid : 정부 보조(금)
- be allocated to : ~에 할당되다
At least 10% of the aid must be allocated to operating programs.
- get certified as : 자격을 취득하다
- have the paperwork ready : 필요한 서류를 갖추다
- with someone the best of luck : 행운을 빌어주다
★ They provide comprehensive welfare services to the local community.
- welfare service : 복지 서비스